IB Diploma Programme

IB Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is an academically rigorous, two-year program during 11th and 12th grade designed with the IBO mission of developing “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through education that builds intercultural understanding and respect.” The DP is widely recognized and respected by colleges and universities across the U.S. and globally. Students who participate gain a well-rounded, college preparatory, education. Students will take end-of-course exams with the possibility of earning college credit.
Required Elements of the Program
- 6 IB Courses
- Students must take one course from each group 1-5. The sixth course can be from group 6 or second course from another group. See table of groups and courses below.
- 3 courses, and no more than 4, must be at the Higher Level (HL)
- 3 courses, and no less than 2, must be at the Standard Level (SL)
- At least one SL course must take place over two years
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
- This is a course designed to help students reflect on their learning from all their subjects and is centered on the question, “How do we know that?” Students are asked to reflect on themselves as leaners and engage in discussions on how knowledge is constructed in different subjects and across different learning communities.
- This course will be offered 2nd semester of junior year and 1st semester of senior year after school.
- Students complete a TOK essay and a TOK exhibition.
- Extended Essay (EE)
- Students complete an independent research project on a topic of their choice.
- Each student is matched with an EE supervisor who guides them through the process. Students are required to meet with their supervisor at least three times.
- Students write three reflections, one after each of the three required meetings with their supervisor.
- The maximum word count is 4,000
- Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
- Students will keep a portfolio of their CAS experiences throughout the 18 months of the program (starting at the beginning of junior year through your senior year). The goal is for students to develop personally, outside of their academics.
- Students will develop a plan for their CAS experiences at the beginning of their junior year. They are encouraged to pick one creative, one active, and one service experiences they can engage in at least once a month.
- In addition, students will complete one CAS project. This is something that must involve collaboration with other students and be an original idea.
- Students will demonstrate the achievement of 7 learning outcomes through the reflections and evidence in their CAS portfolio
- IB Exams
- IB Exams are the summative exams that allow students to demonstrate what they’ve achieved throughout the course.
- IB Exams for all courses are made up of two components:
- Internal Assessment (IA) – this is an assessment completed within each course. It is assessed by the teacher. A sample is sent to the IB for moderation. The teacher determines at which point during the course the IA will take place.
- External Assessment – these are the exams that take place in May. These assessments are sent to the IB for grading.
- The scores from all components are combined to give a final score on a 1-7 scale. A 4 is considered passing. A 4 is also when colleges and universities will consider awarding college credit.
- In Washington State, all state colleges and universities will award credit for exams passed with a 4 or above.
Awarding of the IB Diploma
The IB Diploma is in addition to a High School Diploma. There are some colleges and universities which will award additional credits to students who earn the IB Diploma. In order to earn the IB Diploma, students must:
- Earn a total of 24 points from their IB course Exams and Core Components. Each exam is on a scale of 1 – 7. 4 is considered passing
- Must earn 12 points from HL exams
- Must earn 9 points from SL exams
- Cannot earn a 1 one in any subject
- Cannot earn more than two 2s in any subject
- Cannot earn more than three 3s or below in any subject
- Must earn a D or above on both TOK and the Extended Essay (a score of E will disqualify a student from earning the diploma). You can earn up to 3 additional points based on your grades on these components
- Must complete CAS
- Sustained over the 18 months in the program
- Meet all 7 learning outcomes
IB Courses
Group 1
- IB Language and Literature SL (2 years)
- IB Language and Literature HL (2 years)
Group 2
- IB Spanish ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
- IB Japanese ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
- IB Chinese (Mandarin) ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
Group 3
- IB History of the Americans & 20th Century HL (2 years)
- IB Business Management SL (1 year)
- IB Psychology SL (1 year)
- IB Psychology HL (2 years)
Group 4
- IB Biology SL (1 year)
- IB Biology HL (2 years)
- IB Chemistry SL (2 years)
- IB Design Technology SL (1 year)
Group 5
- Math: Applications and Interpretations SL (2 years)
- Math: Analysis and Approaches SL (2 years)
- Math: Analysis and Approaches HL (2 years)
Group 6
- Visual Arts SL (2 years)
- Visual Arts HL (2 years)
- Music SL (2 years)