IB Career-related Program

IB Career-related Programme (CP)
The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is a two-year career and academic program during 11th and 12th grade designed with the IBO mission of developing “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through education that builds intercultural understanding and respect.” Students who participate in the CP will gain a foundation in a particular career track and core classes which will prepare students for college and career. Students will take end-of-course exams with the possibility of earning college credit.
Required Elements of the Program
- 2 IB Courses
- Students must two IB courses. These can be standard level or higher level. One of the courses must be two years. See below for the list of courses.
- Career-related Study (CRS)
- Students complete 2.0 credits within a CTE pathway. At least one course needs to contain an Industry Recognized Certification (IRC). Link to CTE Pathways
- Personal and Professional Skills (PPS) – Project Management
- This is a course designed to teach students the attitude, skills and strategies to be successful in personal and professional situations and covers the themes of personal development, intercultural understanding, effective communication, thinking processes, and applied ethics.
- This course with is taught within Project Management
- Students take this course Junior AND Senior year.
- Reflective Project (RP)
- Students complete an independent research project on an ethical dilemma directly linked with their career-related study.
- The final product will be either a 3,000-word essay OR a 1,500 – 2,000 word essay plus a short film, presentation, interview, play, or display.
- Students will work with and meet with an advisor three times throughout the process and write reflections on their progress.
- Service Learning (SL)
- Students will keep a portfolio of their Service Learning experiences throughout their time in the CP. They are required to complete 50 hours. The goal is for students to develop personally, outside of their academics.
- Students will develop a plan for their SL experiences at the beginning of their junior year.
- Students will demonstrate the achievement of 5 learning outcomes through the reflections and evidence in their SL portfolio
- Language Development (LD)
- It is not a requirement for students to continue in world language course, however, because this is an international program which recognizes the value and importance of multilingualism, it is expected that students will continue to develop language skills.
- The requirement is for students to document and reflect on at least 50 hours of language development. There is a wide variety of language development activities and experiences students can complete.
- Students will keep a portfolio and meet with a language advisor three times over their course of the program.
- IB Exams
- IB Exams are the summative exams that allow students to demonstrate what they’ve achieved throughout the course.
- IB Exams for all courses are made up of two components:
- Internal Assessment (IA) – this is an assessment completed within each course. It is assessed by the teacher. A sample is sent to the IB for moderation. The teacher determines at which point during the course the IA will take place.
- External Assessment – these are the exams that take place in May. These assessments are sent to the IB for grading.
- The scores from all components are combined to give a final score on a 1-7 scale. A 4 is considered passing. A 4 is also when colleges and universities will consider awarding college credit.
- In Washington State, all state colleges and universities will award credit for exams passed with a 4 or above.
Awarding of the IB Career-related Program Certificate
The IB CP Certificate is in addition to a High School Diploma. In order to earn the IB CP Certificate, students must:
- Complete a Career-related Study
- Earn a grade 3 or more on at least two IB Exams.
- Earn at least a D on the Reflective Project
- Complete Personal and Professional Skills, Service Learning, and Language Development
IB Courses
Group 1
- IB Language and Literature SL (2 years)
- IB Language and Literature HL (2 years)
Group 2
- IB Spanish ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
- IB Japanese ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
- IB Chinese (Mandarin) ab initio, SL or HL (2 years)
Group 3
- IB History of the Americans & 20th Century HL (2 years)
- IB Business Management SL (1 year)
- IB Psychology SL (1 year)
- IB Psychology HL (2 years)
Group 4
- IB Biology SL (1 year)
- IB Biology HL (2 years)
- IB Chemistry SL (2 years)
- IB Design Technology SL (1 year)
Group 5
- Math: Applications and Interpretations SL (2 years)
- Math: Analysis and Approaches SL (2 years)
- Math: Analysis and Approaches HL (2 years)
Group 6
- Visual Arts SL (2 years)
- Visual Arts HL (2 years)
- Music SL (2 years)