Chief Sealth International High School

Chief Sealth International
High School
Registration & Course Information

Course Guide: English/Language Arts

Graduation Requirements

4 credits (8 semesters) of Language Arts

Department Overview

In Language Arts classes, 9th-12th grade students read literature from a variety of genres including short stories, novels, drama, poetry, and non-literary texts. They complete writing in a variety of modes, including narrative, expository, and persuasive. Students in all classes will also construct knowledge with peers through small group discussions and large class seminars.

11th and 12th grade ELA is taught as a two-year IB Language and Literature course. Students can choose to take the IB exam at the end of their senior year in an effort to earn college credit.

Course Guide

Language Arts 9A, 9B – Intro. to Literature and Composition
Credits:   0.5 credit / semester
Grade(s):  9
Length of Course:  Two Semesters
Graduation Requirement Satisfied:  Lang Arts 9A, B

Students are introduced to literary genres, literary terms, and analysis of literature.  Students read at least two major works each semester and read independently as well.  Students also expand their research skills, reading informational texts and exploring current issues through reading, writing, and projects.

Language Arts 10A, 10B – World Literature and Composition
Credits:  0.5 credit / semester
Grade(s):  10
Graduation Requirement Satisfied:  Lang Arts 10 A, B

Reading will include plays, novels, short stories, and poetry from around the world.  Students also focus on analyzing informational texts to determine authors’ positions and will practice synthesizing sources to defend a position in preparation for the Smarter Balanced Assessment. The work in this year is also focused on preparing students for future IB coursework.  

International Baccalaureate English, Language and Literature
Credits:  0.5 credit / semester
Grade(s):  11, 12
Prerequisite:  None
Graduation Requirement Satisfied:  Lang Arts 11A, B, 12A, B

IB LA 11 and IB LA 12 are considered a two-year course.  Students explore literature, film, journalism, and linguistics.  Each semester includes formal presentations, analysis essays, and some creative writing.  Students who begin the course in 11th grade may be eligible to test for college credit at the end of the 12th grade year as long as they successfully complete their major assessments each year.  At the higher level, students are expected to take the HL exam and will produce additional coursework.