Financial Aid
Financial Aid Information
- Everyone is eligible to file either the FAFSA or WASFA.
- All information should protected under FERPA privacy act. Your info is secure and cannot be shared.
- Washington State College Grant, College Bound Scholarship, Seattle Promise and others require that you complete the FAFSA or WASFA.
- Financial aid can be used at apprenticeships, technical colleges, 2 and 4-year colleges, and other programs.
- Filing the FAFSA or WASFA is often required for merit aid as well as need-based aid.
Types of Aid
- Grants – free
- Scholarships – free
- Loans – pay back after graduating
- Work Study – work on campus for money
In Washington, students complete one of two applications to be considered for student financial aid: the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid).
Due to ongoing revisions, this year the FAFSA is anticipated to open in December and students should try to complete their financial aid application as soon as possible after that date. In addition to state and federal aid, many school-based and school-funded scholarships require students to submit a FAFSA or WASFA form for consideration.
*Priority Financial Aid Deadlines to complete your FAFSA or WASFA by:
- Four Year Universities – ASAP after it opens on December 1st
- Seattle Promise/Seattle Colleges – April 30
Filing EARLY is best…but remember it is never too late to apply for financial aid!
U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizen students (green card, refugee, etc.) will be considered for grants, loans and work-study funds upon completion of this form. Only the student’s status matters for FAFSA, so even if a parent(s) is undocumented, please file the FAFSA.
Federal aid can be used at technical, two-year and four-year colleges and universities across the country. Learn more about eligibility requirements and complete the FAFSA.
Step-by-Step Video – FAFSA
The first step is to set up your FSA ID and you can do this NOW, even while waiting for the updated FASFA to open up. Keep in mind that both the student and your parent(s) need their own separate FSA ID’s. Use this worksheet to help set up your ID’s.
The next step is complete the actual FAFSA application. The student will sign on teh FAFSA website to begin the application, and then the parent(s) will sign in to input family income and complete the FAFSA. It is essential to give consent for financial information to be directly inputed from the IRS when you sign in. The FAFSA is available in December this year.
Step-by-step videos and helpful tips.
Students who are not eligible for federal financial aid due to immigration status may be eligible for several Washington State financial aid programs. Are you concerned about protecting your student and family’s privacy when completing a WASFA? If so, please read WSAC Statement on Financial Aid Applicant Privacy
These programs fund in-state public and private technical, two-year and four-year colleges and universities. Learn more about eligibility and complete the WASFA.
Use this worksheet to help set up your ID’s and get started on your WASFA.
Important Tips
- Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA or WASFA if you are graduating in June of 2025.
- Always use the FAFSA or WASFA form for the NEXT year of schooling (not this year’s form because you are a senior and do not need funding this year.)
- Always use the FAFSA or WASFA form for the NEXT year of schooling (not this year’s form because you are a senior and do not need funding this year.)
- *Keep your FAFSA or WAFSA up to date with the correct list of your colleges/career programs.
- Some private colleges and universities require that you also complete another financial aid application called the CSS Profile on the College Board website. Check the financial aid page of your potential college to see if you need to do this.
- To get an estimate on how any college will cost and much aid you will likely receive from any institution, please use the Financial Aid Calculator tool.
Scholarships and other Financial Aid
- Apply for Scholarships
- Seattle Promise – 1-2 years of college or 90 credits FREE – Applications due February 14
- Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE) – attend out of state colleges for 1.5x the cost of in-state tuition to save money!
Need step-by-step assistance or have questions about financial aid? See your Counselor or go to the College Access Hub in 252A or Career Center in 252B.
We are here for you!