
A resume is a formal document created that showcases your background, skills and accomplishments.
Every high school student should have a resume that tracks their activities and that they update every year so that it is ready to submit when opportunities arise for volunteer work, jobs, or internships.
Resume Tips
Video: “How To Write a Resume-With No Work Experience”
Video – “Careers and Resumes Part 5”
More Tips
- Include your Name, Email and Phone Number, but not your address
- Use ACTIVE and VARIED verbs to describe your background powerfully – 185 Action Verbs
- Be creative for “experience” – Play a sport? Provide Childcare? Participate in a club? Volunteer somewhere?
- Bilingual or Trilingual or more? Add that and other skills you have!
- Capitalize and use consistent formatting….Chief Sealth International High School has 5 capital letters!
- Use the FREE resume templates on:
- Make a LinkedIn account too!
- Get someone you trust to review and edit it! Update and tailor it for particular jobs!